Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hi there. Again.

             Hello. My name is Jim Mercurio and I write.  Now that we have that biographical information taken care of, I can get on with the task at hand.
 I am starting a new blog about the things I love to talk, think, and write about. I am doing this without knowing if anyone reads blogs anymore.  Also, I don’t really care.  Like a very wise young man once described to me: “I have a lot of thoughts in my head and they get me excited”. It was that way twenty years ago, and it is that way now.
            For blogs you need a focus.  You should have a theme or an ideological slant or lots of pictures of cute stuff so people will read it.  This blog is about all things in the American culture that I feel like thinking about.  The standard movie, TV, books, music, and internet stuff for sure.  But I’d like to also include the worlds of food, humanities, and even sports.  It may not seem focused, but I have a well-defined eye for these things around me.  I guess it’s a deconstructionist view.  What are we looking at?  Is it ridiculous?  I’m not so much interested in review, as I am in meaning.  Let me put it this way:  I don’t care about artistic or historical significance as much as emotional reaction. 
            Oh yeah, and I only care about finding the humor in all of this. 
            I’m funnier than I am a gifted writer. I’m sillier than I am a serious thinker.  I am goofier than I am a qualified critic. 
            Boring the shit out of you already?  I’ll move on.
            Two more pieces of info.  I absolutely love time travel.  So much so, that I thought that this blog would solely be a discussion of time travel in all media.  But I know myself and I have just too many interests, so there will be regular breakdowns of all things time travel on this site.  That will be my reward to myself.
            Also, I’d love to have guest writers on this thing.  If anyone wants to contribute something you can email me at and submit.  I guess that would be friends with something on their minds at first.  I’d open up to interested contributors of any stripe, really, unless you are an asshole. (And maybe not even that would be a problem.)  Feel free to contact me.


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