Sunday, December 16, 2018

Why Can’t You See It?

Three snowflakes in Portland.

Can’t you see it? Why can’t you see it?
I think I saw it for the first time when I was too young to understand. It wasn’t until I went to college, or at least paid attention in high school, that I understood.
You’re always on the wrong side.  After all these years of dwelling on it, I can only assume you are fundamentally afraid of nearly everything. You are afraid of the other, for starters.  Anyone who does not look and act exactly like you. That is the big one.  Instead of figuring out ways to not be afraid, to learn about the other and understand that the differences are minor at best, you are easily manipulated by those who understand fear.  You don’t want difference.  You want the same.  You want those who are different to disappear, regardless of what they have to offer.
You would rather be frightened than change your mind.  You would rather be scared than learn.
Symbolism is so very important to you.  Not the meaning behind the symbol, but the symbol itself.  You will cry bloody murder over a symbol regardless of the severity of the transgression.  Do you not value humanity more than its symbols?  You like bite-size aphorisms.  Bumper stickers and slogans. Is it that you don’t like to say more than that or that do you not have much to say? You crave toughness rather than skill.  You praise image over substance.  You are swayed by strength rather than virtue.
For three decades I have heard the word ‘values’ when you speak.  By itself, it’s an empty word.  I don’t know that values you speak of.  If they are so important, list them.  Detail them.  Hard work?  Sacrifice?  Love, honor, respect?  Do you not believe we all value these things?  Maybe you would if you didn’t avoid us.
You value the wealthy.  You believe they are your betters and you secretly believe you will be one of them one day. I have news for you.  You won’t.  Here’s more news.  A lot of us believe we will be wealthy one day.  It’s a salve for everyone who has to work for a living. Our only difference may be that we believe in the concept of ‘enough’.  It seems to be another thing you fear. 
On the topic of fear:  We don’t fear you.  Fear is your deal, we know.  But you aren’t feared.  Sorry.  Most of the time, you are pitied when you vote for the people who refuse to serve you and believe in their scapegoating tactics time and time again.  The top states where you congregate also lead the country in endless cycles of poverty and discord; the highest rates of high school dropouts, infant mortality, joblessness, teen pregnancy, drug addiction. But somehow, the people that govern you blame others who live far away. They are taking your money and aren’t working for it.  It’s always someone else’s fault.  It’s never you, the people who refuse to change.
I am supposed to be fair.  I am supposed to accept the flaws of both sides.  However, I’m not a judge nor a jury.  I also know that human beings need charts and labels to better understand things.  We think there is this two-sided divide, each side with different ideas on how to run the ship.  I’ve thought that way my entire adult life, too.  But maybe that’s just a way in which we simplify things.  Maybe the two groups aren’t mirror images of one another or two sides of the same coin.  Maybe one side is just…wrong.  Not morally wrong, but incorrect.  Your ideas don’t work, or your ideas no longer are valid.  Maybe you don’t know what you believe.  Maybe there is a side with ideas that work better.
A modern side and an antiquated side?  A thinking side and a frightened side?  A side that plans for the future and one that is only concerned with now? A side that thinks of the whole and a side that thinks of only part of the whole?
I don’t want to be fair right now.  I know who to blame for this crap. 
It’s in our skulls; in our genetic code.  I understand.  It would be easier to fell a tree by screaming at it. We can neither truly understand you or change your mind.  The difference is, we accept that. (For the most part.) We believe in a society where everyone can live.  We’ll argue and push and shove, but there is a place for everyone here.  Do you guys believe that?  Is that something you believe?  Because it doesn’t seem like it.  It seems like you want everyone who isn’t like you shipped away somewhere.
 I may believe in socialized medicine, but I believe in it for all of us. Even you guys. I believe in good schools for everyone’s kids. Even your kids. I believe in a fair justice system for everyone. For you, too.
It’s funny how these things resolve themselves.  An institution is stripped down because we no longer feel we need it.  After time has passed, we understand why the it was constructed in the first place. Maybe we needed to see the system up close with all its strengths and weaknesses. That’s the best way to rebuild.
 There is no real answer.  I think we all know that.  The only answer is the thing we’ve ignored for a couple of years.  Civility.  It’s what your grandmothers taught you.  Politeness.  Manners.  Being an adult.  All those things keep us connected and the wheels spinning.  Since we can’t agree on everything we adhere to a social contract.  The contract can be amended, but it has to be observed.

If not, then…this shit for the rest of our lives.

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